Apart from Zoom, Some other companies also collecting customer data than expected
The analysis done by Consumer Reports on privacy policy of Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and WebEx found that not only do they zoom but they are also collecting more customer data than expected.
It doesn’t mean that Consumer Reports are saying that these apps are not safe to use. (Every major video conferencing app meets basic security standards, Report by a separate Mozilla Report). But once you agree with the privacy policy of the services, You are giving many personal data to some companies like Google Meet and Microsoft access. From the report all those companies have rights to collect some information like Participants of the call, How long calls exist and IP address of everyone who are in call.
Nowadays people are using many tools for video conferencing so people have started checking security measures and privacy policy of these services. In the Month of April, Some news related to Zoom about security concerns and it is necessary and important to be aware about customer data which are collected by Google Meet, MS Team and Cisco.
There are not any kind of details given about what kind of specific details or data being collected or how it is being used. Consumer Reports does note that the data collected from here could be combined with some information from other sources to create a user\’s personal profile, use habits or even potentially use videos for some things like training facial recognition systems.
All three companies, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx told Consumer Reports that They are only creating transcripts of meetings or recordings of meetings if it is requested by users and they promised that they will not use these recordings directly for advertising.