YouTube Kids is now available for Apple TV

February 5, 2024 by

YouTube Kids, It is made just for Children and families.

Source : Google

YouTube Kids, Recently Google has announced that this service which is mainly for children is now available from the Apple TV App Store. The app is available to download now in the App store of US, UK and some other countries and which is available to use with or without a Google login. 

Announcement From Google : We are excited to introduce YouTube Kids on Apple TV — families can now download the app from the App Store on Apple TV!

From Google

The USP of YouTube is that it is available with parental controls by which parents can set viewing limits, Content restriction based on age, some other limits in 2018. Now you can easily sign in into your account to transfer this parental controls to the Apple TV and it is easy to change your settings from phone app or tablet app. By using YouTube Kids app you can make restrictions on some specific videos which are approved by parents or you can allow kids to search anything from the confined machine and human curated catalogue. There are some categories of videos which includes Toys & Play, Cartoons, Some Arts and Crafts videos and Learning & Hobbies. 

In 2015 Google launched this YouTube Kids, Which is a safer environment for children to browse and watch YouTube content but there is also some controversy at that time as well. It is necessary to keep control of the YouTube Kids app otherwise it is not a good idea. 

365Bloggy February 5, 2024
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