Flutter – Carousel Slider

Carousel Slider is one of the most popular image sliders used in modern apps. These Carousel Sliders are commonly used on numerous eCommerce sites. Displaying photographs in a slider provides an appealing user experience. These sliders are automated, so you can see a variety of images and material.

In this article, you will learn how to create your Carousel slider  in Flutter. So let’s take Carousel slider widget​ example of the FAB in Flutter of Mobile application


Properties of carousel slider:
  • height : height of card to display the image.
  • autoplay: cards automatically slides at a time.
  • autoplaycurve: Determines the animation curve.
  • aspectratio: Aspect ratio is used to declare the height.
  • autoplayanimationDuration: Used to declare time for automated slide.
Add package in pubspec.yaml

sdk: flutter

Creating an Carousel Slider: 


   items: [

//1st Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//2nd Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//3rd Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//4th Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//5th Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,


//Slider Container properties
options: CarouselOptions(
height: 180.0,
enlargeCenterPage: true,
autoPlay: true,
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
autoPlayCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
enableInfiniteScroll: true,
autoPlayAnimationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 800),
viewportFraction: 0.8,
Step-by-Step Implementation
Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio (File >new flutter project).
Step 2: Adding material package 
Import method the runApp method in the main function call first while run the application.

 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

 void main() {



Step 3: Creating a stateless widget   

We can create a stateless widget that contains MaterialApp widget,AppBar,etc.

 class RunMyApp extends StatelessWidget {

     const RunMyApp({super.key});  


    Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return MaterialApp(home);



Step 4: Final code of Carousel Slider .

 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:carousel_slider/carousel_slider.dart';

void main() {
MaterialApp(home: MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Slider Demo"),
body: ListView(
children: [
items: [

//1st Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//2nd Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//3rd Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//4th Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,

//5th Image of Slider
margin: EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
image: const DecorationImage(
image: NetworkImage("https://cdn.candidroot.com/website_candidroot/static/src/img/company_logo.png"),
fit: BoxFit.cover,


//Slider Container properties
options: CarouselOptions(
height: 180.0,
enlargeCenterPage: true,
autoPlay: true,
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
autoPlayCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
enableInfiniteScroll: true,
autoPlayAnimationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 800),
viewportFraction: 0.8,


Happy coding!

365Bloggy July 12, 2024
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