Remove the Debug Banner Flutter

May 17, 2024 by

In this article, we will implement how to remove the debug banner in Flutter. The debug banner is a red color line on the right top corner of the Flutter application. Below is the sample image.

Step By Step Implementation

Step 1: Create a new project in the Flutter project or you can use an already created Flutter project. 


Step 2: When loading a Flutter project at time first call the main method that will call our application.

 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 void main() {

Step 3: We can Create a stateless widget for the Flutter application.

 class RunMyApp extends StatelessWidget {
 const RunMyApp({super.key});

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp();

Step 4: We can use the property debugshowcheckedModebanner that accepts the boolean true and false.

 debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false

Step 5: Full code of removing debugshowcheckedmodebanner in Flutter application.

 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

  void main() {



 class RunMyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  const RunMyApp({super.key});  


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return MaterialApp(

     debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,

      theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch:,

      home: Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Remove Debug   Banner'),),

      body: Center(child: Text('Debug Banner is  removed'),),





Step 6: Output of above example

Happy coding!

365Bloggy May 17, 2024
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