365Bloggy How to Generate a Random Number From a Range in Android? Many libraries for Android enable developers to build meaningful applications by giving them access to mathematical and logical functions. The random function, which produces a random value, is one ex...
365Bloggy How to Generate QR Code in Android? QR codes are used in many applications for displaying data. Those QR Code readable forms. This QR code is used to represent data securely. This QR code is read only by machines and not by humans. We h...
365Bloggy How to Generate Barcode in Android? Barcodes are pictorial representations of data that allow for easy scanning. When we want to include this feature into Android applications for a variety of purposes, we must first understand the basi...
365Bloggy Kotlin Android SeekBar A type of ProgressBar with a draggable thumb is the Android SeekBar. The song, file download, and other progress can be moved by dragging the thumb left and right by the user. There are two type of Pr...
365Bloggy AdMob Interstitial Ads of andorid Interstitial advertising are full-screen advertisements that cover the whole app's user interface. This tutorial will show you how to incorporate AdMob Interstitial advertisements into an Android app....
365Bloggy RatingBar in Kotlin Android RatingBar is a user interface widget used to collect ratings from customers or users. It is an expansion of SeekBar and ProgressBar that displays star ratings and allows users to leave ratings...
365Bloggy Flutter – Carousel Slider Carousel Slider is one of the most popular image sliders used in modern apps. These Carousel Sliders are commonly used on numerous eCommerce sites. Displaying photographs in a slider provides an appea...
365Bloggy AdMob Banner Ads of andorid A banner ad is a rectangular picture or text ad that appears in the layout of an application. The simplest to use if you're new to mobile advertising are banner ads. This post explains how to include ...
365Bloggy Exception Handling - Kotlin An exception is an undesired or unexpected event that arises during programme execution, or run time, that interferes with the regular flow of the instructions in the programme . Exception handling is...
365Bloggy DatePicker in Kotlin Android DatePicker is a user interface control that allows us to select a date by day, month, and year in our Android application. DatePicker is used to guarantee that users select the correct date. I...
365Bloggy Android Toast in Kotlin A Toast alert message appears on the Android screen for a brief period of time. Android Toast is a quick popup notification that displays information during app operations. In this tutorial, we will n...
365Bloggy Wakelock - Flutter Flutter's Wakelock package keeps the screen awake while in use. It can be altered based on the needs. These are fairly easy improvements that improve the quality and usability of the Mobile Applicatio...